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Grand Rapid’s Best Chiropractor.
Get Real Answers And Drug Free Solutions.
Overcome Your Chronic Health Challenges.

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Learn How We Can Help You

Are You Frustrated With The Lack Of Results From The “Health Care” System?

Are you tired of being put on prescription drugs that only mask your symptoms temporarily?

Do you feel like you'll never regain the health, energy, and lifestyle you once had?

Are you sick of losing income from too many sick days spent at home in pain and not recovering from illness or injuries fast enough?

Are you missing out on being present for your kids because of mounting health issues with no answers in sight?

Are you looking for an effective natural approach to help your child's body heal from recurring illnesses and infections?

Have you lost hope that a chiropractor can figure out what is actually causing your issues and provide real solutions without resorting to more drugs and surgeries?

“Dr. Steph is absolutely amazing. I’ve been under his care for the last year. I no longer have right arm numbness, neck stiffness, and very rarely have low back pain. It has given me a brand new way of life outside of living in pain. I’m extremely grateful for his services.”


Health Care

First things first. We focus on finding the actual cause of the issues you’re dealing with and fixing them.  Using thorough testing we create an individualized plan of action that provides real solutions rather than just chasing symptoms and masking them temporarily.

We Love The
Hardest Cases

We don’t shy away from complex cases. Our success stories range from pediatric neurodevelopment issues to adults with fibromyalgia and painful autoimmune disorders. We excel in guiding you through chronic issues the right way, using the five essentials of health.

Unlock Your Innate
Capacity To Heal

Your body’s natural state is already programmed to be healthy.  You have an innate capacity to heal from the inside out, far greater than anyone has allowed you to believe. Let us help you unlock that potential within yourself and get back to living your best life.

Legacy Family Chiropractic Can Help All Types of Conditions & People In Grand Rapids, MI




Chronic Illness
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Pregnant Moms

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Car Accident Injuries

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Disease Prevention

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Childhood Illness Chiropractor Grand Rapids MI Near Me

Childhood Illnesses

If you don’t make time for your health, you’ll be forced to make time for your disease.

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Discover How Legacy Family Chiropractic Has Helped People Like You Truly Be Heard, Feel Hope Again, And Achieve The Results They Are Looking For

Learn How We Can Help You

What Makes Legacy Family Chiropractic So Different?

At LFC, the singular goal is to help you and your family become the best versions of yourselves. We believe the Healthcare system as a whole is broken, and has a lot to answer for.

Statistics tell us that disease, dysfunction and unnecessary human suffering gets worse, not better, year after year. Despite having the best trained doctors of all disciplines, the most hospitals and non-emergency facilities, the best technology, and spending 10 times more on healthcare than the next leading spender, the US is consistently ranked dead last by the World Health Organization in several health measures. We have the highest rates of disease in the world, (Heart Disease, Cancers, Diabetes etc) despite taking the most drugs and performing more surgeries than any other nation. If that system was working to help you, and actually fixing the cause versus masking the symptoms, you’d be healthy. Our nation would be ranked #1 in all areas of health, as we should be.

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Given the endless medical merry-go-round that many find themselves on, we exist to be the antidote to the “sick-care” system, and to provide you with real answers and hope. We are not your average chiropractor clinic. Here at LFC you will be treated like you matter…because you do. Life is so good when you have your health in order, and we want you to know that your body’s ability to heal and maintain vibrant health is far greater than you’ve ever been allowed believe.

So it starts on day 1 with a consultation and exam so we can hear your story, and get to the bottom of what is causing the issue(s). After analyzing the results of the tests on that first visit, you’ll be scheduled for your first chiropractic adjustment, usually the very next day, to get the healing process started.

Once we see how your spine and nervous system respond, we will schedule your report of findings where we outline the specific plan of action to help your body heal. Healing takes time and repetition…something we’ve forgotten as we’ve grown accustomed to the “pill for every ill” model that seeks quick relief of symptoms instead of true long term health and healing. Even most chiropractors have fallen victim to the quick symptom relief based treatments that insurance companies will reimburse for. How has that model of care worked out for you is the question?

If you’re the type who wants to finally get out of pain and get healthy…you’re going to love it here and you’ll quickly see why hundreds of others just like you have been able to solve their chronic health issues. Our chiropractor looks forward to meeting you and helping you live the life you’re destined to be living!


"Honestly, he's got healing hands."

Chiropractic Patient Grand Rapids MI
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"My ear has been plugged up for a couple of years. After an adjustment, it drained for like three days. It's finally unplugged, and I can hear really well out of it."

Chiropractic Patient Grand Rapids MI
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"We've seen an improvement in my skin, my sleeping, and my twitch."

Chiropractic Patient Grand Rapids MI
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"My daughter is seven, and she has been to some of the best neurologists and GI doctors in western Michigan. She has had constipation since she was born. We've been trying to find answers, but nothing with lasting results. It's been very frustrating. We came to Legacy Family Chiropractic, and since her very first visit she has been going regularly. I'm amazed by the results. It has shown me what the right doctor can do for her."
Mother of Patient

Chiropractic Patient Grand Rapids MI
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Voted Top Chiropractor Near Me By Grand Rapids Magazine

Chiropractor Award 2020 Grand Rapids MI Near Me


Chiropractor Award 2021 Grand Rapids MI Near Me


Chiropractor Award 2022 Grand Rapids MI Near Me


People Helped
Adjustments Delivered
Five-Star Reviews
Personalized Care

How The Get Better Faster Plan Works
Stop masking the symptoms and get to the root cause of the problem

1. Be Truly Heard
And Understood

Far too many people have told us that they felt like their chiropractor was not listening, and rushed off after filling yet another prescription, ignoring the true cause of their issue. Let’s change that so you can finally be heard.

2. Take The First Step
Towards Healing

“We don’t guess…we test.” The first step is finding the cause of the problem. Our state-of-the-art facility allows us to gather the evidence to support the diagnoses and clinical decisions that help you get better, faster.

3. Be More.
Do More.

We create a customized care plan based on five key areas of health to address the root cause of your dysfunction getting you back to the best version of YOU, faster. Get healthy, stay healthy. Be more, do more. That’s what TRUE healthcare looks like.

How Does Legacy Family Chiropractic Help You Become The Best Version Of Yourself?

Chiropractic Care
Maximize Nerve Supply

Spinal Rehab
Postural Correction and Neuromuscular Re-education

Disc Decompression Therapy
Heal bulging discs, avoid surgery

Pediatric Care
Neurologically based chiropractic = the healthiest kids!

Pregnancy Care
Have your best, safest and least complicated birth!

We offer the most comprehensive 5 step approach to helping you heal faster. For more information on the 5 Essentials of MaxLiving, please visit

What Could Not Fixing This Problem Cost You?

The true costs of remaining sick, or continuing to suffer in pain, are staggering. To this day, the number one cause of bankruptcy in well-insured families, is still medical debt. If you don’t get this health problem solved fast, especially if you have been down the road of traditional medical care (drugs and surgery) with no long term improvements…where do you see yourself in another five years? What about 10 years from now if you still haven’t fixed the problem? Health issues don’t go away on their own, they typically get worse over time and will rob you of the life you wish to live.

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“When you have your health, you have everything. When you do not have your health, nothing else matters at all.”

This quote from Augusten Burroughs describes it perfectly. People don’t often look at their health as an investment, as long as they “look good and feel good”, most aren’t doing much about it. The World Health Organization has repeatedly ranked us as the sickest nation on earth with some of the poorest health outcomes. If you’re living similarly to your family members and neighbors who aren’t living the essentials of health, why would you expect different outcomes for yourself?

Tony Robbins famously said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The warning signs are all around us. The healthcare system as a whole is very broken, so if you don’t do something different and seek better options for you and your family…it’d be insane to believe that you’ll get anything other than the worst health outcomes in the modern world.

Let us show you how much proactively investing a little bit into your health will continue to pay dividends for years to come. The quality of your life and the things you love to do literally depend on you being in good health. Give us a call to start a conversation with a chiropractor about living your best life.

Check Out Our Location Near You
4064 Alpine Ave NW STE B, Comstock Park, MI 49321

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